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Me and my Family

Me and my Family

Monday, April 26, 2010

Beautiful Creatures

Have you ever wondered why kids CD's are soooooo painful to listen to? Usually they are filled with  the most annoying songs EVER. Seriously, how many different ways can you sing Bingo or the Wheels on the Bus? I'm pretty sure I have heard it just about every way possible. Traditional cheesy style, rock and roll style, and my personal favorite disco style! Some are better than others, but any way you slice it, it's going to be torture for any adult listening.I have been teaching music to children for over 6 years, I still have trouble swallowing the music that is out there. I'm always looking for something fresh and new that even I can handle listening to over and over.

That's why I was so thrilled when I was asked to check out this new CD, Beautiful Creatures. I was really ready for some new tunes to switch things up. This CD seems to be exactly what I was looking for.  Beautiful Creatures is a CD  that the my kiddies love and I can enjoy with them. Of course, ANYTHING, can be over played ( even top 40 hits on the radio), but this CD will last far past any average kids CD.

  Beautiful Creatures has an African theme to it. Many of the songs are about African animals. While the songs are fun, they also give facts about each of the animals they are singing about. The educational side of the songs was a bonus considering the songs were so upbeat and fun. As I listened to each song, I was able to visualize how I could use these songs during our circle time. H is for hippo, Z is for Zebra, L is for lion, and so on. Using music is a great way to keep the kids engaged in learning, so these songs will come in very handy in that regard.

The true test was to see if the kids liked it. From the first note, the kids were bobbing their heads and wiggling in their seats. They loved the African kids singing in the background and the fun African beats. K asked to hear several songs over and over again. It was a hit! The kids were quickly singing along where they remembered the words and dancing around the playroom. I guess to say they liked it was an understatement! Ruby even asked to listen to it on our car trip to D.C. this weekend!

If you would like to check them out too, you can follow them on Twitter or on Facebook. These songs are available on itunes for you to listen to. You can also go to their website: I'd love to hear what you think! If your in the market for this type of music, I bet you like it. I know my kids and I did!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of this cd and will have to check it out! Thanks for sharing, Jessica!